Music promotion on Spotify

The Insider’s Guide: How to Get on Spotify Playlists

So, you want to know how to get on Spotify playlists, this article will outline the top tips and hacks for ‘Cracking the Code’ to the Spotify Playlist Algorithm to give you a winning strategy for getting your music on playlists for much greater exposure.

So, you’re an aspiring musician or band looking to make a mark on the music scene. You’ve created some amazing tracks, and now you want the world to hear them. In today’s digital age, getting your music on popular streaming platforms like Spotify is a crucial step in reaching a wider audience. But there’s a catch – with millions of tracks available on Spotify, how can you ensure that your music gets noticed and added to playlists? It’s a competitive world out there, but fear not! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll dive into the nitty-gritty of how to actually how to get on Spotify playlists, helping you turn your music dreams into a reality.

1. Create High-Quality Music

Before you even think about getting on a Spotify playlist, it’s essential to ensure that your music is top-notch. Great songs are the foundation of any successful music career. Take your time to create high-quality, well-produced music that stands out. Invest in good recording equipment, consider working with experienced producers, and be meticulous in your songwriting. Remember, the competition is fierce, and only the best tracks make the cut.

2. Establish a Strong Online Presence

In the digital age, having a strong online presence is essential for musicians. It’s not just about the music; it’s also about the image you project and your engagement with fans. Here’s what you can do:

  • Social Media: Create profiles on various social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. Regularly update your content and engage with your followers. Social media is an excellent way to connect with your audience and build a fanbase.
  • Artist Website: A professional website showcasing your music, bio, and upcoming events is a must. It’s your virtual business card and a hub for your fans to get all the information they need.
  • Consistent Branding: Ensure that your branding (logos, artwork, and imagery) is consistent across all platforms. This helps in building a recognizable and memorable brand.

3. Utilize Spotify for Artists

Spotify offers a fantastic tool called Spotify for Artists, which allows you to take control of your music on the platform. Here are some key features and tips for making the most of this tool:

  • Claim Your Profile: First and foremost, claim your Spotify for Artists profile. This will give you access to valuable insights about your listeners and allow you to customize your artist page.
  • Bio and Photos: Ensure your artist bio and profile pictures are up to date. This is the first thing new listeners see when they come across your music.
  • Storytelling: Use the “Story” feature to connect with your fans. Share behind-the-scenes glimpses, stories about your songs, and personal updates. This helps create a deeper connection with your audience.
  • Pitch for Playlists: Spotify for Artists allows you to pitch your songs to Spotify’s editorial team for playlist consideration. We’ll dive into this in more detail shortly.

4. Build a Strong Spotify Presence

While you’re creating a strong online presence, don’t forget to focus specifically on your Spotify playlist promotion. Here’s how to do it:

  • Get Verified: Just like on other social media platforms, it’s important to get your Spotify artist profile verified. This blue checkmark lends credibility and authenticity to your account.
  • Release Music Regularly: Consistency is key. Don’t just release an album and disappear for years. Regularly release new tracks, singles, and EPs to keep your audience engaged.
  • Use Metadata Wisely: Pay attention to the metadata of your tracks. This includes the track title, artist name, and genre. Make sure it accurately represents your music and makes it easy to find.

5. Collaborate with Other Artists

Collaborations can be an effective way to expand your reach on Spotify. Consider working with other artists, particularly those who already have a significant following on the platform. When you collaborate, you introduce your music to their audience and vice versa. This cross-promotion can help you gain new listeners and followers.

6. Encourage Your Fans to Follow You on Spotify

Your existing fans can be your biggest advocates. Encourage them to follow you on Spotify, as this will help your music appear in their playlists and recommendations. You can also run special campaigns or giveaways to incentivize your fans to follow you.

7. Optimize Your Spotify Profile for Discover Weekly and Release Radar

Two important Spotify features that can significantly impact your visibility are “Discover Weekly” and “Release Radar.” Here’s how to optimize your profile for these playlists:

  • Discover Weekly: This playlist is updated every Monday with new music that Spotify thinks each listener will enjoy. To get on Discover Weekly, make sure your tracks have an engaging intro within the first 30 seconds. This increases the chances of listeners not skipping your song.
  • Release Radar: Release Radar is where your new music will appear for your followers. So, make sure to release new music consistently to take advantage of this feature. Notify your followers about new releases to keep them engaged.

8. Network with Playlist Curators

Getting in touch with playlist curators can be a game-changer. They are individuals or organizations responsible for creating and maintaining playlists on Spotify. Here’s how to approach them:

  • Research: Start by finding playlists that are a good fit for your music. You can use platforms like Spotify, Soundplate, and to discover curators and their playlists.
  • Personalize Your Approach: When reaching out to curators, make your pitch personal. Let them know why your track would be a great addition to their playlist. Be respectful and concise in your communication.
  • Follow Up: Don’t be discouraged if you don’t get an immediate response. Follow up politely, but don’t pester. Playlist curators often receive numerous submissions.

9. Collaborative Playlists

Creating your own playlists can also be a way to get noticed. Start by making a playlist that includes your own music and mix it with other tracks that fit the theme or mood. Share these playlists on your social media and encourage your followers to collaborate with you in building these playlists. This can be an effective way to bring new listeners to your artist profile.

10. Understand Spotify Algorithms

Spotify uses complex algorithms to determine which songs to add to its playlists. Understanding these algorithms can help you tailor your music and approach. Some of the key factors include:

  • User Engagement: Tracks that have high engagement (likes, saves, shares, and plays) are more likely to be added to playlists.
  • Streaming Velocity: How quickly a track gains momentum and attracts new listeners matters. This means that getting off to a strong start when you release a new song is crucial.
  • Genre and Mood: Spotify curates playlists based on genres and moods. Ensure that your music accurately represents the chosen genre and mood, as this increases the chances of it being considered for relevant playlists.

11. Release Music Strategically

Timing is crucial in the music industry. Spotify’s algorithms often favor tracks that gain traction quickly after release and is one of several very effective Spotify playlist strategies. Here are some tips for strategically releasing music:

  • Choose the Right Release Day: Research shows that Friday is the most popular day for music releases, but this also means increased competition. Consider alternative release days for less competition.
  • Promote Pre-Saves: Encourage your fans to pre-save your upcoming releases. This not only generates excitement but can also boost your track’s performance on Spotify
  • Release Consistently: Consistent releases keep your audience engaged. Whether it’s a new single every month or a full album every year, create a schedule and stick to it.

12. Consider Promotional Tools

In addition to organic strategies, you can also use promotional tools and services to boost your presence on Spotify:

  • Spotify Ad Studio: Spotify offers its advertising platform, where you can create audio ads to target specific demographics. This can help you reach potential listeners who are interested in your genre.
  • SubmitHub: SubmitHub is a platform that connects musicians with playlist curators and bloggers. You can use it to submit your music for review and playlist consideration.
  • PR Firms: Consider hiring a music PR firm to help you gain exposure on Spotify and other music platforms.

13. Understand the Importance of User Interaction

Interacting with your fans and potential listeners is crucial. It not only helps in building a fanbase but also increases the chances of Spotify algorithms favoring your music. So, user interaction is a great way of getting featured on Spotify playlists. Respond to comments, engage with listeners on social media, and create a sense of community around your music.

14. Monitor Your Progress and Adjust

Finally, it’s essential to continuously monitor your progress and adjust your strategy as needed but hopefully we have explained just how to get on Spotify playlists. Use the analytics provided by Spotify for Artists to see which songs are performing well and where your listeners are coming from. This data can help you make informed decisions about your music and promotion strategy.

In conclusion, getting playlisted on Spotify is a goal that many musicians aspire to achieve. While it’s undoubtedly competitive, with the right strategies and dedication, you can increase your chances of success. We hope this article has explained in more details about getting featured on Spotify playlists. Remember that it’s not just about getting on playlists; it’s about creating great music and connecting with your audience. Keep refining your craft, engaging with your fans, and exploring new ways to promote your music, and you’ll be on your way to realizing your Spotify dreams. Good luck on your musical journey!



